Disruptive, cutting-edge Fire Monkey technology extracts HMW-DNA in record time
Easier, faster workflow, enabling long-read genomic assemblies
Fire Monkey is the only technology that combines High Molecular Weight DNA (HMW-DNA) extraction and simultaneous size selection. This HMW-DNA is essential for long-read sequencing. Unlike short-read sequencing technology, long-read sequencing technologies can cover much more of the long structural variants commonly found. This can result in more accurate assemblies of genomic regions that have been very difficult to correctly read in the past.
According to Kosugi et al. in Genome Biology. (2019) 20:117, he makes a claim as follows; Structural Variants are largely responsible for the diversity and evolution of human genomes at both the individual and population level. The genomic difference between individuals caused by structural variants has been estimated to be 3-10 times higher than that caused by single nucleotide variants. Consequently, structural variants could have higher impacts on gene functions and phenotypic changes than do single nucleotide variants and short indels. Structural variants are associated with a number of human diseases, including neurodevelopmental disorders and cancers.
The process of tumorigenesis that transforms a normal cell to a cancerous cell involves a series of complex genetic and epigenetic changes. Genome
sequencing approaches are fundamental to comprehensively explore all types of genomic alterations involved.
- Small base sequence changes and large structural changes to the genome are proving to be equally important in cancer treatment decisions.
- Structural variants and pathogen in cancer genomes remain widely unexplored. Structural changes need long-read sequencing of the genome which is enabled by Fire Monkey.